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Writer's pictureMakenna Pierce

Vendor Spotlight: Young Farms

What started as a therapeutic gardening project for Denise Young and the Young Family quickly grew into a passion for the Young Family to share with the world. Denise Young starting farming as a form of therapy from a stressful sales job growing a few vegetables for her family to consume. Eventually, Denise was growing more than her family could eat, so her husband suggested they go to a farmer’s market and sell it. After being laid off during the pandemic, Denise turned to farming full-time. She says, “It has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I’m not traveling all the time for work, I’m able to be at my family’s functions, and be able to leave a legacy behind for them. It’s truly been a blessing.” Young Farms crafts pepper jellies, apple butter, dill pickles and more. They have an array of different flavored pepper jellies including strawberry, pineapple, and peach jalapeño. v

The first farmer’s market the Young Family ever joined was here with us at the West Homewood Farmer’s Market. Joining the West Homewood Farmer’s Market really encouraged them to reach out and join other farmer’s markets around Birmingham and middle Alabama. When asked about what she most loved about the West Homewood Farmer’s Market Denise responded, “I’ve met some of my closest friends here…it’s like a big community. They not only support us when we are here and help me watch out for my kids, but they watch out for us at different places that we go. I’m thankful that everyone is so open and welcoming and loving of my children.”

Check out their Facebook to learn more about their amazing products!

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